If you have any problems for registering or submitting your papers, please download the .pdf file here to see how to submit you paper on the system.
If you require a proforma invoice for the registration payment, please send us an email to symposium.isudef@gmail.com with all the information that should appear in the invoice.
Registration Fee
Before 8th April 22
After 8th April 22
Full-time Participation
Students (Postgraduate, Undergraduate)
Industry, Company
For Turkish citizens; €1 = 1₺
Payments should be made via bank transfer. Please send a copy of the bank transfer confirmation to the email address ” symposium.isudef@gmail.com “
Account Holder: SÜRDÜRÜLEBİLİR HAVACILIK ARAŞTIRMALARI DERNEĞİ Bank: Ziraat Bank SWIFT Code: TCZBTR2A Branch Code: 0771 Branch: İkieylül/Eskişehir Şubesi City: Eskişehir / Turkey